(click on the title to play the audio)
There must be an easier way to embed audio, I'll work on that. Again, the context here is bedtime, sat up watching a little bit of Tom and Jerry ahead of wind down and reading time. I try to engage with Tokoroth using his wallchart to try and encourage him to count and verbalise. I have some success but it goes predictably wrong along the way. Some of his responses to his questions make me smile a lot.
The good news here is that echolalia like this is a sign of him trying to speak, he just doesn't quite know how to form the words he needs. It's very similar to the babble you hear from a toddler when they process words they have heard in the cots/beds in the early hours.
The speech delay website I found earlier makes it clear that this condition can exist outside of autism and given that his repetitive behaviour is quite low this will be an avenue that gets explored, indeed it is the SALT (speech and language therapist) that will perform his next assessment in the nursery,
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2 years ago
I like SALT better than SLP (speech and language pathologist) which is what we have here. And really, our SLP is the SALT of the earth.