Friday, 15 April 2011

Problems with water? What? Me? I think not!

The beauty of parenting any child (with or without ASD) is their unwavering ability to prove you wrong. Do they get taken aside at school and given "How to make Mummy/Daddy look like they don't know anything" classes?

We've gone from a screeching child in the pool on Monday, to a little boy merrily splashing around up to his neck - fetching pool toys, laughing, smiling and generally having high jinks - on Friday.

What a difference a week (and some one on one attention) makes.

Not only have we just come back from a truly fun swimming session, he also spent about an hour in the showers afterward (see previous post to understand the full gravity of that statement).

*gobsmacked and delighted*

-- Mum of Tok

1 comment:

  1. So happy he loves it! We don't get to do it much, but Jack loves the water, too!
